Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Rocky Mountain State

We are now in Colorado Springs for a couple of nights.  We plan to do some sight seeing and, of course, find a needle shop or two for a visit.    The trip has been wonderfully uneventful.  Once we got out of Texas the weather cooled off a little bit.  I am hope for some cool nights so we can sit out... speaking of which......

No sitting out tonight as it is really windy and dusty.

I gave both the dogs Benadryl for the climb since both have had problems with altitude changes in the past.  They both did well, no head shaking or whining....until it got close to dinner time of course and they are not good at time changes!

Now to the important stuff.

I gave the Canadian Flag project the college try.  I just could not get the hang of counting it correctly so it is shelved for the trip.  I think, perhaps, I need to mark the lines on the pattern so I can count correctly.  I will do the project, but not this trip.  It was a litte more work that I want to do while I am traveling.

Here is my progress so far:

Lilac Time, Laura J. Perin Needlepoint

The photo is not great, but it is kind of overcast at the moment.  Now, you would not think that those lattice portions on the four sides would not be that hard.  As usual, I nearly wore the thread out getting it right and there is one part that is off just a little.  I am leaving it!  I have to remind myself constantly to count THREADS not HOLES.

Wicked is as Wicked Does, Waxing Moon Designs

This is a new start since I got frustrated with the Canadian Flag piece.  It is on 32 county Linen in Copper Penny.  I really like the fabric and hope this turns out well.  I will probably move it to a Qsnap (the one the flag was on) to finish it.

I am still trying to figure out why comments are not showing up on the blog and I cannot find a way to answer them.  Please do not think you are being ignored.  I can read them, I simply cannot answer them.

That is it for today.  Thank you so much for visiting.  I appreciate all your kind words and hope you are not too bored!


  1. I love your Hallowe'en design, I'm a big fan of spooky stitching!
    Regarding comments, have you checked your settings on your Dashboard? Let me know if you need any help!

    1. I think it must be fixed now although I am not sure why or have how. Halloween is my favorite seasonal stitching.

  2. It's a shame the flag is not working as a travel piece, but I'm sure you'll figure it out eventually! You're other pieces look great though, I especially love the needle point one. Enjoy your stay!
