Saturday, August 22, 2015

Working and Stitching

I have had so little time to stitch that it is really frustrating if I let myself think about it.

It has been a busy summer of cleaning.

The worst part is that I do not pace myself very well so I end up getting hurt and over tired so that stitching at night is not an option.  I would love to blame my age, but the truth is I am just in lousy physical shape!  I think I heard about some exercise program somewhere that takes every day tasks and makes them a work out.  It is probably a California thing.  I can claim that is what I am doing!

Since I killed my regular camera during the flood (note to self:  do not take photos during torrential rain) I am struggling with getting pictures.  It is hard to find a camera these days that takes a decent picture and does not require a computer science degree to operate.

The weather is hot so afternoons are perfect for sitting with iced tea and stitching.  I have also started refinishing a door I got for free from my brother.  What a score.  Am sanding it down to re-stain and varnish it.

 This is the glass in the door.  I have it covered in the photo above to protect it while I am working on it.  Cannot wait to finish and have it installed.

And in the meantime, I am working on Pumpkin Swirl by Glendon Place.   Enjoying it, but it is not going as rapidly as I would like.  I am almost finished with the top half. 

I have done some work on Gardens of London..  It is interesting to me that the lamp is in greens.  One of the best things about this huge Chatelaine project is that it has so many different areas that have different stitches and threads.  Am enjoying it a lot.  My biggest concern is that it is going to take me so long it will need washing and I won't be able to launder it because of all the threads that are not color fast.  I guess I will have to frame it dirty if it comes to that. 


And have done some work on Books Reading Book.  This is my HAED (Heaven and earth Designs) project.  I hope to finish page 8 this week. 

 And a Chatelaine I am working on called Knot Garden.  I work on this when I travel or when I sit outside because it is mostly DMC threads and I will be able to wash it once it is done.  This is just the middle section.  There are many more parts to it!

And here is a little baby bunny that has taken up residence in one of the rosemary bushes.  Obviously, the dogs have not found it yet!

That is all for this post.

Thanks for visiting.


  1. Wow, for a busy-busy summer you've made tons of progress, especially on Pumpkin Swirl! Your projects all look great, and I love that little bunny ^_^

    1. Thanks so much. It has been way too hot lately to do much other than stitch in the air conditioning.

  2. You have made some wonderful progress! I'm so envious of your Books Reading Books, that is one I want to get to soooooo bad! But I need to finish Bob Cratchit and Tiny Tim first. Sigh. I know another stitcher who is working on Gardens of London and she is almost done. It will be stunning when you finish. It does look like it would take *a lot* of patience though. And the colors on Pumpkin Swirl are some of my very favorite. I can't wait to see that one done. Very good stitching!! :0)

    1. Thank you for your kind words. I am really enjoying all the projects so far. Sometimes I get a little frustrated with a large project but it has not happened yet so I am rocking along.

  3. You have made some wonderful progress! I'm so envious of your Books Reading Books, that is one I want to get to soooooo bad! But I need to finish Bob Cratchit and Tiny Tim first. Sigh. I know another stitcher who is working on Gardens of London and she is almost done. It will be stunning when you finish. It does look like it would take *a lot* of patience though. And the colors on Pumpkin Swirl are some of my very favorite. I can't wait to see that one done. Very good stitching!! :0)

  4. You have made some wonderful progress! I'm so envious of your Books Reading Books, that is one I want to get to soooooo bad! But I need to finish Bob Cratchit and Tiny Tim first. Sigh. I know another stitcher who is working on Gardens of London and she is almost done. It will be stunning when you finish. It does look like it would take *a lot* of patience though. And the colors on Pumpkin Swirl are some of my very favorite. I can't wait to see that one done. Very good stitching!! :0)
