Friday, October 3, 2014

October Update

Computer is back home and so far is working (keeping fingers and toes crossed).  So here is an update on my WIPs (works in progress)

I have been trying to set up a rotation on my projects, so my progress the past month has been a little slow.  Seems like I always have something that keeps me busy.  Especially since the weather has cooled off and the weeds have taken over the flower beds!

I am also getting the house ready for us to leave on the 10th and that keeps  me occupied.

 This is my first HAED (Heaven and Earth Designs) project, and I must say it is not going very rapidly.  I am happy with how it is coming along.  I am still winding floss on to bobbins as I go.....47 colors, although so far it is blues and purples.

This is Bay Dunes and it is coming along.  Lots of half stitches.  I decided to do the half stitches the opposite direction than I usually do them.  Making them in the direction of my top thread.  Not sure I like it, but it is a good practice.  I am liking this a lot.

Feasting Frenzy is kind of taking a back seat to the other projects at the moment.  It is my first project on a QSnap.  The jury is still out on whether or not I will use the QSnap again, but I did get an alternative way to put the fabric on the frame from a Utube video which has helped.  This is the project I work on when I am on the patio in the afternoon, so now that it is cooler perhaps I will get a little more done.

And last but not least is Woodland Enchantress.  I am really liking this project a lot even though it is going a little slowly.  It will be interesting to see how long it takes me.
I did not do anything on the Cranes project or the Santa Stocking during September.  I am trying to keep my works in progress down to 6.  Well, the major projects anyway, I still want to do some small things for cards..................................
This month I also purchase two apps for my ipad.  One is a cross stitch application called "X Stitch".  It is really a great way to keep track of projects and future projects.  The good news is that I am almost caught up inputting information.  You list your works in progress, future works, kits, threads and fabric inventories, etc.  The bad news is that I have WAY more projects than I need.  I think it is a sickness! 
The other application I added was Good Reader.  It allows you to download PDF charts onto your computer.  Rather than using paper patterns and marking them, it allows you to have the chart on your ipad and mark it using the highlighter function.  I am not sure I am liking it so far.  It is great for enlarging the pattern/chart and is easy to see that way, but so far I still use my paper and highlighter pens for marking the chart.  Habit I guess.  But it is time I move into the new century I suppose.  I am trying it on the HAED project.
And I also put Hours Tracker application on my ipad (it was free).  It has a function to record the time I am spending on each project, or job.  I like it a lot as I have always been curious about how long something takes me.  Of course I have to remember to clock in and out, but so far that is not a problem.
 That is it for updates. 
Thanks for visiting.

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